Saturday, March 12, 2005

Cardio Exam

Well I just had my cardiology final exam on Friday, and I think it went pretty well. Most of the questions were fair, and I got all of the hard questions right (because my friends and I study by quizzing each other with the hardest possible questions on the most obscure minutae we can read about). The best part of the test however, was that this test had more technical errors than any other test I've ever written. It was literally a "gong show". There were upwards of 30 corrections the profs had to make during the exam, and that involved interrupting us about 40 times. Lets see if I can remember exactly went wrong:

1. Some people were missing pages 3 and 4.
2. Questions 82-89 had the right answers written right beside the questions. We were told to put "A" for our answer to all of these questions, yet later you will see that we never got to questions 82-89 on the answer booklet.
3. The graph question printed out wrong, with the labels not lining up with the graph at all.
3. Questions 42-90 had 8 options for multiple choice (A through H), yet the answer sheets only had 5 options (A through E) per question. Because of this problem one of the profs ran to go get some proper ScanTron sheets and we were told we would be given an extra hour to transfer our answers to the new answer sheet. One student put up her hand and said, "What if my flight leaves at 11:30" (which should have been half an hour after the test ended). Meanwhile the other prof decided that we should just forget the ScanTron and fill in the answers in the question booklet. But then a different prof changed that decision to having us skip from question 41 to question 201 on the ScanTron (which had 15 letter responses). So now question 42 became question 201, and question 93 became question 252, etc.
4. Some minor typos - like "subclavian vein" instead of "subcardinal vein".
6. Late in the test writing period, one of the profs suddenly announced we only had 20 minutes left, while people started to freak out. He told us that the original hour we were promised was only if we had to transfer answer sheets, but as this was no longer the case the test ends at 11:00am. So people started to yell. We were given the full extra hour.

As you can see this was a disaster. Somebody will probably be fired. I thought it was a fair exam that tested our skills of recalling cardiology medicine while in a highly stressful dynamic situation (hehehe). Oh and by the way I know that the numbering of my example errors is all messed up, and that is a joke.... laugh....


C'uhlq?y'ac said...

I got it! hahahaha. sounds like shit fest man. but the really important question is, how is the foos ball coming?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it was not a cardiology exam at all. In fact, it was more likely a mental health stress and reaction measurability exam in the guise of a cardio exam. Kudos to ya Nicholas, it sounds like you survived it with your sense of humour intact. Surely this counts as much as any possible numerical score a person can be delegated!!!!!