Friday, March 04, 2005

Ben visits!!

This is my 65 year old brother Ben. He flew over to visit me in Edmonton during the end of his UVic reading break, and we flew back to Vic together on the next Sunday. It was fun to show him around my place and this campus. Its kinda cool because everything is bigger in Edmonton than in Victoria. The buildings are tall, the roads are super wide, and the hospital itself is gigantic.

Hanging out with Ben here was much different than at home. Usually I don't really see Ben at home, as he goes out often, and while home kinda sticks to himself. But here in Edmonton he was forced to hang out with me. I also showed him my new squash and foosball skills I've developed since September.

At Ben's request we spent Saturday evening at the West Ed waterpark (having not been there together since 1996) and bombed as many waterslides as we could in 2 hours. I think with the extra mass I've developed since I was 13, and also the "watersliding skillz" I've learned as a lifeguard, I am able to slide significantly faster. It hurt. It hurt a lot. Ben and I both had scratches on our backs for days afterwards. But it was tons of fun.

Its kinda sad because I used to imagine that one day Ben and I would be roommates after we moved out from home, but I don't think this will ever be the case with both of us locked into a seemingly endless education program.


Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean about hoping to be roommates - I still carry this dream that my sister Donna and I will be able to share a lovely little place overlooking the water in Hawaii with no husbands to cook for or clean for....(Guess Who!)

Anonymous said...

Dear Guess Who: It's not too late - this could still happen!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Guess Who;

What is in your dream for your spouses?