Friday, October 21, 2005

O-week Golf Tourney

The first week of September is known as Orientation Week for the new first year med students. No, not "sexual orientation", but rather orientation to medicine and the campus/city. Had this been an excercise to sort out "sexual orientation" we would have confused some med students with our outfits. Because we were seriously hot! This pic is from the Costume Golf Tournement.

Needless to say we won the costume competition. In fact they just handed us the prize as soon as we showed up. When we heard "costume contest" we thought "crazy crazy costumes" but apparently everybody else thought that meant "wear a funny hat". It was crazy fun though. Not the best golfing attire however: nowhere to hold tees, and the stockings tend to rip easily (as Brian noticed when he totally ripped his the first time he pulled them on).

The best part of the afternoon was actually the car ride over to the golf course. We had to drive along the highway. So just try to imagine 6 french maids (5/6 are male) jammed in a tiny car with only 5 seats. We were also waving/winking and yelling at every trucker we passed. We got some mighty strange looks. And also some winks back. Some people just sped up so they didn't have to look at us any more. Heheheheh. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Ummm, sorry to tell you this Nick. But I'm pretty sure they gave you guys the prize immediately after you guys showed up because they wanted you guys to ah... leave :P I mean... who really wants to see a bunch of guys teeing off in a french maid outfit?? Bend those knees, stick that butt out and keep your back straight. haha

Anonymous said...

You'd make a lousy maid! I have seen you vacuum around books lying on the floor!!

Anonymous said...

Are you telling us that he actually vacuums?