Sunday, April 03, 2005

FLOOD and FIRE at I-House

There was a fair amount of excitement in the building I live in this weekend. Late Thursday night the fire alarm went off (a common occurrence as we have about 3 drills a semester). I wandered back to my room to lock my door and on the way a girl came running out of the stair well soaked from head to toe. At this point I realized that there might actually be a real fire -- so I hurried up a little bit and told people I saw that this wasn't a drill.

We evacuated the building to the back and rumor was passed around that this wasn't a fire, instead some girl on the 5th floor had hung something on her sprinkler in her room, and had apparently broken off her sprinkler head, triggering the alarm and busting open a 1 inch water main in her ceiling. Ooopsy!

We went back instead when we were convinced it wasn't a fire to check out the damage. Water was literally gushing out from under the perpetrator's door and flowing down the hallway. Girls were screaming at people to go get towels to try to sop up the water (which is pretty funny when you think about it because a towel would do absolutely nothing).

The firemen soon showed up and told us to get the hell out of the building, so I went to a nearby building and played some foosball and piano for about an hour. Finally when we heard the alarms stop we went back inside, only to have the alarms go off again. We were told to vacate once again, and to meet in the meeting room at which point an out of breath fire chief told us "OK everything is now undercontrol guys, we just put out the fire on the 2nd floor"!!!!! Some idiot had left their dinner on the burner on full blast in the kitchen for the last hour.

To summerize there is extensive water damage to about 20 rooms including rooms on every single floor beneath the 5th. There is also smoke damage on the 2nd and 3rd floors.

Lucky me I'm on the 6th floor!! This made for an exciting day, but it must be pretty crappy for the people that had to move out (with it being final exam season and all). Especially for those few people that had water damage to ALL of their stuff.

P.S. I feel bad now because as soon as I saw the damage to the 5th floor that night, I ran down to the 4th floor and banged on peoples doors to tell them to move all of their stuff. I asked one girl if she wanted my help moving all of her electronics out of her room. She insisted they would be fine where they were. I insisted back that I totally disagreed with her and that water will soon be pooring from her ceiling. I'm not sure if she ever did move her stuff... Oh well.

1 comment:

Geo said...

It was late Wednesday night you geek!!