Friday, January 07, 2005

Very Very Bad Day

Wow. I only had 2.5 hours of lecture this morning. So I went to school all bundled up and proceeded to the men's med locker room to put away all my stuff. I suppose during that 2.5 hours somebody cut through my lock, went through my stuff and took my wallet and palm pilot. FUCK!!

Lets see, wallet had all of my credit/bank cards, $200, most of my ID, and some receipts. My palm is probably worth $600 new, and contains every little detail about my entire life. Including where I'm going to be every 10 minutes for the next month, as well as every detail about my identity (they'd have to dig deep for that). Unencrypted info would include where I live, where I buy my food, what groceries I need, what music I listen to, what classes I have when and where, where I get my hair cut and when, and basically what I've done every single day for the past year and a half. That's kinda scary.

So now I'm stuck without any money or any way to get money, no ID, and the guy who stole my crap knows everything about me. Oh and he has access to my building now. Hmmmmm....

This is especially frustrating because my stuff was taken out of the med student locker room in the hospital, which is only accessable through 2 doors. One door has a 5 digit numeric code, and the other you have to swipe your keycard to gain access. My 60-digit combo lock was also secured on the locker at the time. So it really doesn't get much more safe than that (you would think).

On the bright side (very dimmly lit side...) maybe I'll get a newer model palm pilot!!! That would be fun. I think maybe the Palm Tungsten T5.


Anonymous said...

Oh Nick - I am so sorry to hear about this. Was there any security cameras in that area and did other lockers get broken into? How awful for you. Is there anything I can do to help? Aunty Patty

Anonymous said...

I am sad too...I know how much you love your palm pilot!! If I had a gazillion dollars I would buy you whatever you wanted...including a hit man to "accidentally" kill the bad guy!!

alphageek said...

Hey Patty: It turns out at least 4 lockers were broken into inbetween 10am and 11:20am. Thats a pretty tight window of opportunity combined with a pretty secure room so it reeks of an inside job :(

Anonymous said...
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C'uhlq?y'ac said...

i know a guy who knows a guy in edmonton. i can have this whole mess settled in no time, all i need is some instant noodles and a hacksaw. just say the word nick, i'm there for you buddy.

Anonymous said...

Do you remember that "hip pack" that I made you wear a few years ago? I'm thinking it might come back in style real soon!! Sorry you had such a crappy day. Love from Mom

alphageek said...

Mark: Unfortunately I just ran out of instant noodles yesterday, but I'll see what I can find.

Patty: Thanks for your concerns and for calling me!

Mom: I will have to pass on the hip-pack.