Thursday, January 20, 2005

Catch and Release Squirrel Fishing

This is a funny story: This Christmas while visiting home in Victoria my dad and I went on an adventure. A couple of days earlier my dad had baited his "squirrel-trap" with peanut butter because he noticed a squirrel hopping around our yard. I'm not sure why my dad exiles all squirrels from our property, but it has something to do with the possibility of them eating insulation or something like that. We ended up taking this squirrel for a car ride with us, up to the summit of the Malahat (10 miles away from home) where it was released into its new habitat. I figure it will only take a week before it finds its way back home.


Anonymous said...

I think we should have spray painted his tail! Last weekend your dad and I spotted three black squirrels at Beacon Hill Park! Mom

Anonymous said...

Your dad must be a good trapper. (I hope you have your permit to possess a squirrel in order!) Also, the bugger probably wouldn't take a whole week to get back-there's no body of water between the Malahat peak and your dad's house:)