Sunday, January 29, 2006

X-mas Photography

This is a really cool picture of Carla I took this past December. This is the Corona LRT (Subway) Station in downtown Edmonton. That was a fun night too. Carla and I had decided to walk down to see the Christmas light display they had put up at the Legislature. Only problem was that it was -22 degrees celcius!! After walking through the light display, it was so cold that we decided instead of walking all the way home, we would just go catch the sub. Only problem being neither I nor Carla knew where the closest station was. We ended up walking further and further downtown for about 20 minutes until we came across a subway station. Turns out we had walked past 2 closer stations. Oh well, it made for a good picture. Just before taking this picture I had cleaned a tear off of Carla's glasses. A single tear drop was frozen solid to her lens. Crazy Edmonton.

Here is the best pic from the Christmas light display:

1 comment:

Geo said...

A single tear was on her glasses lens?? Sheesh Nick, stop making her cry already