Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Raining and Pouring

It has been raining for the past week solid here in Van, and it doesn't look like it's going to stop any time soon. This has put quite the dent in my running schedule (I don't have a schedule, I just run when its sunny out and I have a lot of energy). I should just bite the bullet and go out for a run in the rain anyways -- right after I finishing writing this up. The only problem going for a run right now is that my night vision is REALLY bad. I need to eat more carrots or something.

I spent the last 2 hours working on this blog, and in the process learned a lot about blog layouts. I tend to do this with any presentations I make in public too: I spend about 30 minutes on content and ten times as much time on aesthetics. Some would think that suggests that the product is devoid of content, or perhaps the author is somehow vain. I think its more likely just the fact that I have partial obsessive compulsive disorder. There is this incredible desire in me to do everything to the best of my abilities, every single time. I have often wondered where this desire comes from. I used to tell myself I was just trying hard for everything just to get into medical school.

...just the fact
that I have partial
obsessive compulsive disorder...
But now that I'm in, I have no lesser desire to achieve. One possibility is that I am deeply insecure and thus I make an attempt to achieve perfection in hopes of masking these inner insecurities -- but I doubt this is the reason. My best hypothesis is simply that I inherited a gene for "obessive compulsiveness" from my father. My dad has the same work habit as me, only 10X more dedicated. When he gets interested in something (fishing, mycology, paleontology, etc.), he goes out and reads ALL of the available literature, becomes a local expert, and dedicates 90% of his free time to this activity! I am grateful to have received this trait. On the otherhand I most likely inherited my cleanliness and orderliness from my mother (while my dad is compulsive, he is definately not orderly). It is a combination of these traits which has allowed me to breeze through school, and I can only conclude that it is a result of these same traits which explain my current addiction to redesigning my blog. Ok time for a run.


Make sure you check out the "games" links I put to the left!!


C'uhlq?y'ac said...

now that's proper nick. a little peak into your brain. i gotta run more too. i watched "the magnificent 7" tonight and it inspired me. the blog is like a warm cookie to my eyes.

C'uhlq?y'ac said...
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C'uhlq?y'ac said...

Holy shit. googlezon?!?!

albino black sheep.
i like that site and the videos and articles.

Geo said...

I think that... you should drop out of med school and go into psychology, since you seem to enjoy picking at your own mind. :P

But I can see this obsessive compulsive behaviour... that's why you kept cheating and rewinding on your SNES games right? Just so you could beat the game at 100% right? :P

alphageek said...

It's so true geo. I don't even play Final Fantasy III anymore, I just follow the 100% walkthrough step by step. It's sad really.

dana said...

You could always attempt to run in the rain. Its actually kinda nice, cause it keeps you cool!

Anonymous said...

Nick: long time no see. I hear you've been in town and haven't even dropped me a line. What's the best way to get in touch with you? Believe me, I've got lots of news to share with you.
CEAW, BA(Hons)

alphageek said...

Cam-chan! I've also been trying to get in touch with you. You must have changed cell phones from the last time I talked to you. My computer is currently my only means of communications, so email me at I'll be in Vic next weekend (17th) so we'll have to get together for a "man-night" to catch up.

Anonymous said...

Nick is so smart! S-M-R-T!!

Anonymous said...

Your Dad is awesome Nick...He's not a total geek either...I think you need to work on more interesting songs with lyrics...Bach died a long long time ago