Monday, February 07, 2005

FAAMSCAR Banff Conference

I had an amazing weekend at Banff. The first year med students at UofA and UofC got together for a retreat at Banff for "student wellness". This trip started with getting drunk on a bus for a 7 hour trip to Banff while playing strip poker with about 10 people at the back of the bus (the game ended when Phil striped down to nothing but his socks...). After arriving in Banff, we checked into our rooms, had a welcoming dinner/lecture and then headed out to the local clubs for some dancing all night. The next morning i slept in and eventually dragged myself to a couple of lectures: the first was a meditative Yoga session, while the second was a discussion on wellness and relationships in medicine. After which I shopped with some friends at downtown Banff, and watched a movie at the local theatre. The next morning most people went skiing, while I instead hit up the hot springs (that picture is the entrance to the springs). After a nice 2 hour dip in the pool, I walked back to Banff (40 minute walk!!), had a latte downtown and enjoyed another 7 hour bus ride back to Edmonton!!

I really enjoyed the chance to get to know some of my classmates better, and interact in a non-academic environment.


C'uhlq?y'ac said...

and get nekked

Anonymous said...

HAHA!! Your last sentence sound like it belongs in a nursing journal entry...
"I really feel that I was able to gain a lot of experience from interacting with my patient and really getting to know how they feel about their health challenges..."
Blah, blah, blah...

alphageek said...

That wasn't supposed to be the last sentence... I hit enter to start a new paragraph but it sent the post instead...

dana said...

Ha ha, that so does sound like a nursing journal doesn't it. Man I hate those things. But we should toally have a wellness trip to somewhere fun. Hope you both are enjoying your weekend ;)