Monday, December 06, 2004

Winter has arrived

Holy crap, winter arrived last Saturday. In a single day the temperature dropped from about 5 degrees celsius, to -22 degrees. And close to -30 with wind-chill. The first thing I noticed when I stepped outside is that your nosehairs begin to freeze and this tickles. The next thing I noticed is that the metal arms on my glasses almost instantly attain ambiant temperature and begin to suck all remaining heat out of my brain. This process is somewhat painful.


Anonymous said...

Quit complaining and forget about your hair and PUT ON YOUR TOUQUE! Need I mention that this is your mother?

Anonymous said...

Hey just suck it up (that among other things...) it's not that cold and the snow is insulating, just ask an Eskimo oops that's not PC, um an indiginous person of the north arctic?

alphageek said...

Hhehehehehe she's mine!!!!