Thursday, September 30, 2004

Pictures of my room

This is me sitting at my desk and looking towards the door. My place is p
retty bare right now, but it does the trick. The room to the left is my bathroom, and there is a closet at the top right of the photo. The two pieces of artwork on the walls are by Salvador Dali.

Pictures of my room

This is the biggest wall in my room. I took the picture standing on my bed. Notice the sexy turntable directly on top of the mini-fridge (?). I had to move it off of my desk to make room for my new printer. Hopefully I'll be able to get a new stylus soon and get that turntable up and running again. In the meantime I'm going to become a medical doctor.

Pictures of my room

Here is my desk -- where I spend most of my time at home. Notice that green plant to the right of my laptop. I think the "green-ness" means that its still alive. If thats the case than I have no idea how it is still living. Don't plants need water and sunlight or something?

All my money is gone

Yesterday I spent all of the money I've saved in the past 5 years. That's my tuition check for first year at the UofA. Hopefully all that money will go to a good cause... I was actually surprized how easy it was for me to drop off that 10 grand check. I'm normally so cheap I have problems buying new pants.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Another Busy Day

I've been doing tons of stuff lately, including: joining an Ultimate Frisbee team, starting to play squash on a semi-regular basis, running, and volunteering when possible. This is good, as keeping busy not only stops me from becoming home-sick, but also keeps me from just sitting at home playing on my comp all day. The work load in school is still very light, so I should have lots of time to settle down here before the snow/studying begins.

Sunday, September 19, 2004


Tonight i cooked myself the first meal I've ever made. Seriously. I've been microwaving soup for about 4 months, and i figured its about time that I learn some basic cooking skills. If I can have no problem in biochem labs, i should be able to follow a basic recipe... With only minor 1st degree burns on my arms, I managed to make this delicious stir-fry!

First Post!

Its really late and I was bored so I made myself a Blog. I'm not exactly sure what the difference is between a Blog and just creating your own website, but I suppose this is easier for the average person. I'm hoping I can use this to post stories for my parents and friends to read from my adventures in med school, and we'll see where it goes from there!